When Should You Consult a Fertility Specialist

Doctor in a white coat promoting awareness on when to consult a fertility specialist.

It is possible to understand that if a couple is struggling with pregnancy, then she has to see a fertility specialist, but the problem is at what stage she has to make the decision. This article explains what steps she must follow to see the fertility specialist at the correct stage. 

Not Conceiving for Six Months Or More 

Suppose a female is trying to conceive pregnant for six months or more but still does not get results successfully. In that case, it will create a frustrating situation for both entities. It is essential to understand how she has to face the problem and at which time she has to get help.  

For couples who are actively trying to conceive, some general guidelines are to provide medical advice after six months of unsuccessful attempts. Suppose the couple has reached the age of 35. In that case, it is essential to advise that they consult a specialist just before and after six months because age plays a main role in fertility situations. 

Had Two Or More Miscarriages

Miscarriage is an abnormal condition that occurs in a pregnancy situation. It happens in that condition when she loses the pregnancy within 20 weeks of getting pregnant. When a female experiences one or more time miscarriages, then it indicates that she suffers from health issues. 

Sometimes, health conditions may cause miscarriage. For example, poorly controlled diabetes and hormonal balance also show effects on the uterus. It is highly important to understand factors related to that. We do not know the actual reason for miscarriage.

Had Prior Pelvic Surgery or Diseases

It has been observed that if the patient has ever faced pelvic surgery, such as endometriosis or fibroids, then it is essential to consult with a fertility specialist. It is possible that this condition can also affect their reproductive organ. If the patient does not cure it, then it can create more challenges. A meaningful assessment can help determine any harm or issue preventing conception.

Partner Has Trouble Achieving an Erection or Ejaculating 

As we know, fertility is a mutual process and problem related to male reproductive health, which may considerably affect conception. Suppose the partner has issues related to impotence or ejaculation. In that case, it may prove very vital to deal with such an issue early enough. A fertility specialist can diagnose such causes, which may range from psychological to medical conditions, and advise a line of treatment to improve this condition. 

When a partner faces trouble with erection or ejaculation, both partners have to understand that it is not just a personal problem but may greatly affect the fertility journey. Similarly, these challenges can be overcome through open communication.  

If the partner addresses these types of issues, then there is a better chance of conception. There are effective solutions available to help both partners on the journey toward parenthood. 

Autoimmune Condition

If you are facing autoimmune conditions, your immune system attacks the healthy cells of your organs and tissues by mistake. Autoimmune diseases are a type of disease in which the body gets infected by viruses and bacteria. 

Autoimmune conditions impact reproductive health by affecting hormonal imbalance, evaluation, and overall fertility. Some conditions, such as lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, and autoimmune thyroid disease, may lead to complications that can hinder conception.  

Suppose you have an autoimmune condition and are facing difficulty conceiving. In that case, you can seek advice and consultation from a fertility specialist. Early intervention makes a lot of difference in achieving your family planning goals. 

About to Start Chemotherapy

If you contemplate undergoing chemotherapy, it would be wise to consult a fertility specialist prior to the start of your chemotherapy treatment. Chemotherapy simply refers to drug treatment that utilizes intense chemicals to break up rapidly moving cells in your body. Chemotherapy can have a unique impact on fertility, depending on the type of drugs and dosage used.  

A fertility specialist may be able to discuss options like sperm banking for the male or egg freezing for the female as an option that would help preserve fertility before any possible treatment begins. This can give you peace of mind while also leaving you with a lot of family-planning options in the future.

Planning to Put Off Having Kids 

Nowadays, many individuals or couples are deciding to delay parenthood for various reasons, such as career aspiration, financial stability, or personal choice. If you were planning to put off having kids, consulting a fertility specialist can provide valuable insights into your reproductive health and options.  

As we know, fertility declines with age, especially for females. A fertility specialist can help you evaluate your current fertility status, outline your probable concerns about delaying conception, and discuss alternatives like egg freezing as ways of preserving future fertility.

You Have No Periods, Irregular Periods, or Heavy Bleeding

Menstrual irregularities indicate reproductive health issues. If a female has not experienced periods (amenorrhea), irregular periods, or heavy bleeding. It is essential to evaluation from a fertility specialist. 

These symptoms can show the indication of hormonal imbalance, polycystic ovary syndrome, or disorder of the thyroid, among other reproductive health conditions that may cause you not to be able to conceive. A specialist will be able to perform the right test to determine the cause of this condition and provide treatments to ensure your cycles go back to normal and enhance fertility. 

You Have a Chronic Medical Condition 

Sometimes, chronic medical conditions such as diabetes, obesity, hypertension, or thyroid disorder can also significantly affect fertility.   

Suppose you have a chronic condition and are also trying to conceive. In that case, it is essential to understand to consult a fertility specialist to assess how your health impacts your reproductive journey.  

A fertility specialist can work with you to maximize your health, minimize your condition regarding your pregnancy, and expand your potential for a successful conception and healthy pregnancy.


The journey of parenting may be interesting and challenging. If you recognize the above symptoms, it may be time to consult a fertility specialist. Early intervention can provide clarity, support, and tailored solutions to enhance your chances of conception.  

A fertility specialist is equipped to understand complex medical histories, conduct in-depth evaluations, and tailor treatment programs with the aim of bringing hope and possibilities to a person’s life. Given the above, you have to consult a fertility specialist regarding these symptoms. If you have any questions related to these symptoms or any other health issue, you can book an appointment with us at Candor IVF.
