Why IVF Babies Delivered Early

The breakthrough of IVF, or In Vitro Fertilization, has brought joy to millions of childless couples. Though this recent advancement in medical science has aided many people in realizing their goals of becoming parents, doubts about its validity linger in the minds of would-be parents. On the other hand, most individuals believe that babies delivered through assisted reproductive technologies ( ART ) are not as healthy as those born normally. Medical specialists worldwide are continually attempting to dispel these myths and develop a myth buster.

IVF Pregnancies Are Riskier

Pregnancies resulting from IVF are frequently regarded to be riskier than pregnancies resulting from natural conception. However, this perception stems from the high likelihood of multiple pregnancies and related risks of prematurity that characterized IVF in its early days. Because the current procedure no longer necessitates the transfer of many embryos, the chance of multiple pregnancies has decreased significantly. We must keep in mind that, on average, women who conceive through IVF are older, and we know that with age comes a little increase in pregnancy risks. On the other hand, these hazards remain modest in healthy women even when they reach the age of 50.

Why Are IVF Babies Born Prematurely?

We frequently think of IVF babies as being more likely to be born prematurely than naturally conceived babies. This process is based on the fact that an increasing number of IVF babies are twins or triplets. However, it is currently common to transfer only one embryo, which has considerably reduced the risk.

When Do Premature Births Occur?

You should be aware of the IVF baby delivery time, and it happens before the 37th week of gestation in a cycle that should last 40 weeks. The brain and lungs of newborns develop rapidly during the last several weeks of pregnancy. Premature birth can cause issues with the heart, respiration, cognition, hearing, and vision because they have had little time to grow in the womb. Cerebral palsy, for example, is a serious condition that can last a lifetime.

Are IVF Children Normal And Healthy?

The health of IVF newborns has been meticulously monitored, and more than 6 million babies are born through IVF. There is some evidence that IVF baby conceived following fresh embryo transfer are smaller than spontaneously conceived newborns. And while this could be due to parental issues associated with infertility, people believe the IVF technique is implicated. The fact that baby born following a frozen thaw transfer are slightly larger than spontaneously produced newborns supports this theory. These variations, however, do not appear to have long-term effects at this time, and many IVF babies are now healthy parents of organically conceived children.

Factors Causing Premature Birth

When women utilize reproductive technologies like in vitro fertilization (IVF), they are more likely to have preemies. But a new study comparing the outcomes of these newborns to siblings conceived naturally reveals that other factors may be at play.

  • Hormonal Causes : 

You are given a super dose of hormones during an IVF round with new embryos to enhance the number of eggs you will discharge. Some researchers believe that these hormones may have an impact on how the embryo implants in your uterus.

  • Increased Medical Supervision : 

Both the parents and the doctor keep a close eye on IVF pregnancies. Because these pregnancies are prized so highly, doctors and parents may be more inclined to deliver a baby early due to a condition that would be less alarming in less closely watched pregnancies.

  • Maternal Variables : 

Infertility-related issues may play a part in why IVF raises the risk of premature delivery. IVF mothers are also more likely to be older and heavier than mothers who normally conceive, which raises the risk.

  • Embryos In Multiples :

The other multiples and twins are more likely than singletons to be born prematurely, regardless of how they are conceived. Increased multiple births assist in driving up the frequency of IVF babies born early since two or more embryos are frequently implanted.

Doctors are baffled as to why IVF baby arrive earlier than regular newborns. Thus, you can consult with a Candor IVF specialist about the IVF fertility process and have a healthy baby both physically and mentally. You can surely give yourself the happiness you have always deserved if you take the Candor IVF doctors’ advice.

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